Haiti: Transitional Council Assumes Government Amid Appointment of Prime Minister

25 de abril de 2024 Hora: 10:50

The former Prime Minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, officially presented his letter of resignation this Wednesday, as he had announced several months ago and, shortly before that, he designated the Minister of Economy, Michel Patrick Boisvert, as his successor.

Henry presented his resignation from office in a letter dated this day and addressed to the members of the Council of Ministers, who published it on digital networks.

Henry’s statement states that «I present the resignation of my Government. I congratulate the members of the Government, the collaborators, the Public Administration, the Security Forces, and all those who have accompanied me during this journey patriotic,» he points out in the text of the letter dated in Los Angeles.

<blockquote class=»twitter-tweet» data-media-max-width=»560″><p lang=»fr» dir=»ltr»>Lettre de démission du gouvernement du Premier ministre <a href=»https://twitter.com/DrArielHenry?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw»>@DrArielHenry</a><a href=»https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ha%C3%AFti?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw»>#Haïti</a> <a href=»https://t.co/gRsTp7UWEF»>pic.twitter.com/gRsTp7UWEF</a></p>&mdash; Primature de la République d’Haïti (@PrimatureHT) <a href=»https://twitter.com/PrimatureHT/status/1783483169166999666?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw»>April 25, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src=»https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js» charset=»utf-8″></script>

Henry’s resignation comes on the same day that the nine members of the Presidential Transition Council, in charge of restoring order in a country shaken by gang violence, were sworn in this Thursday at the National Palace and are preparing to be sworn in.

Images from local media show the members of the Council during the swearing-in ceremony. The questioned Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, who had announced on March 11 that he would resign once the new authorities were installed, made his departure official in a letter.

In the interim, an appointment made by Henry himself emerged with which Michel Patrick Boisvert, until now Minister of Economy, would be the new Prime Minister of the Caribbean nation.

However, the Transition Council is expected to name a new Government in the coming hours.

Autor: teleSUR/MFD

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